ED Grand Rounds: Pediatric Neurologic Emergencies

Natividad Medical Center 1441 Constitution Blvd, Salinas, CA, United States

Sonia Partap, MD, MS, FAAP, Clinical Associate Professor, Child Neurology & Neuro-Oncology, Stanford Speaker for this CME Activity is Sonia Partap, MD, MS, FAAP,  who will present 4 case scenarios on Pediatric Neurologic Emergencies:  Pediatric Neurologic Emergencies Case 1: 9 mo girl with increasing OFC from 50th to > 95%ile over 6 months. development on …


OB Grand Rounds: Fellow Presentation: Thyroid Disease in Pregnancy

Natividad Medical Center 1441 Constitution Blvd, Salinas, CA, United States

Anastasia R. Klick, MD, MPH FM-NMC OB Fellow presented by Anastasia R. Klick, MD, MPH, FM-OB Fellow Thyroid disease in pregnancy has significant potential impacts in pregnancy, for both mother and fetus. This grand rounds presentation will review the fundamentals of thyroid physiology and pathology in pregnancy, and instruct participants in diagnosing and treating thyroid …


Trauma Grand Rounds: The Not So Simple Ankle Fracture

Natividad Medical Center 1441 Constitution Blvd, Salinas, CA, United States

  Julius A. Bishop, MD, Associate Residency Program Director, Stanford University School of Medicine, Ankle fractures are among the most common injuries treated by orthopedic surgeons. While straightforward management will lead to successful outcomes in many cases, some patients and some injuries are very challenging. This talk will address some of the difficult challenges in …


Physician Leadership Academy: Facilitating Effective Teamwork

Natividad Medical Center 1441 Constitution Blvd, Salinas, CA, United States

By Invitation Only:  Facilitating Effective Teamwork Equip yourself with the competencies necessary to facilitate change here at NMC. The program consists of skill-building workshops delivered by Advisory Board faculty across 2017 and 2018—each one designed to provide you with actionable tools to tackle every day challenges. The workshops are highly interactive, data-rich, and tailored around …

By Invitation Only

Trauma Grand Rounds: Mass Casualty Triage

Natividad Medical Center 1441 Constitution Blvd, Salinas, CA, United States

Millicent E. Wilson, MD, Emergency Medicine, Disaster Training Specialist – County of Los Angeles, EMS Agency presented by Millicent E. Wilson, MD Mass Casualty Incidents, or MCI’s, are a disturbing reality of today’s modern world. There are established best practices in this field, but most physicians are unfamiliar with the procedures. All healthcare professionals need …
