Latest Past Events

ED Grand Rounds: Acute Stroke Care – It’s a New Yea

Natividad Medical Center 1441 Constitution Blvd, Salinas

Prashanth Krishnamohan, MDClinical Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Neurology & Neurological SciencesMedical Director of NeurologyStanford Healthcare ValleyCare Presented By:  Prashanth Krishnamohan, MD The American Heart Association released its most recent guidelines regarding …


ED Grand Rounds: EMTALA

Natividad Medical Center 1441 Constitution Blvd, Salinas

Paul Hackman, ESQ., Attorney/Compliance Officer, UC Riverside School of Medicine Presented By:  Paul Hackman, ESQ. Attorney/Compliance Officer, UC Riverside School of Medicine Executive Summary Provide an overview of the Emergency …
